Embark on a digital journey, with me!

Greetings! I'm Christopher Werkmeister, a dedicated and self-taught web developer residing in the vibrant city of Brisbane, Australia.

Enthusiastic about front-end development, I enjoy crafting digital experiences that seamlessly blend creativity with functionality, and I'm on a relentless pursuit to elevate my skills in the ever-evolving landscape of web technologies.

Join me as I navigate the dynamic world of web-focused languages, and let's build the future of the web together!

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Select Projects

Christmas in July

HTML, CSS, Javascript

A promotional landing page that I designed and built for BGW Group.

Live Site →

GitHub Repo →

Tip Calculator App

HTML, CSS, Javascript

A project from Frontend Mentor. This calculator helps the user to split bills, including tips.

Live Site →

GitHub Repo →

Rock Paper Scissors

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Completed as part of The Odin Project, updated 2024 to leverage newly learnt skills.

Live Site →

GitHub Repo →

Concept Landing Page


A concept page that i built to showcase my responsive design skills.

Live Site →

GitHub Repo →

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